Days 4 and 5 - Act to Improve the Target
Work Process
As usual, the team started at 8 AM and my co-leader and I arrived early
to be sure that our meeting area was still set up correctly. Once the
team arrived, I began our work with a brief statement of the purpose
of the event, our approach, and what we had accomplished thus far. I
asked the team for any thoughts or comments about our progress to date
before we looked at the day's agenda. There were none, so I previewed
the day's agenda with the team members and got their feedback. |
19. List of Selected Improvement Ideas |
Improvement Idea
Affected |
Preparation Process |
Establish a lower minimum
purge pressure. |
1 |
Reduce the level to
which cylinders need to be vacuumed (now 200 psig). |
1 |
Hook unused vacuum
pump in tandem to current vacuum pump to speed vacuum and purge operations. |
1 |
Install hand wheels
on pigtails of the prep manifold to speed hook-up of cylinders.1 |
1 |
Have storage bins for
each type of cylinder valve adapter mounted on manifold.1 |
2, 3 |
Replace wrenches used
in hook-up operations and have a separate set for prep area.1 |
2, 3 |
Organize cylinders
in storage area by expiration date (soonest in front).1 |
2 |
Shift preparation of
296 Ar/O2 to blending area.2 |
2 |
Place trip protector
over exposed line from computer network to printer. |
4 |
Counsel worker on use
of earplugs. |
4 |
Blending Process |
Eliminate vacuum, purge,
and vent in blending area. |
3 |
Move painting and scraping
of labels to cylinder preparation process. |
1 |
Replace wrenches and
locate in blending area. |
1, 2 |
Install a battery charger
in blending area. |
2 |
Place prepped cylinder
storage area closer to blending area. |
2 |
Have nets stored at
blending workstation. |
2 |
Reduce rolling time. |
3 |
Eliminate allocation
of cylinders. |
4 |
Eliminate logging of
scale testing data. |
4 |
Use only one card per
batch; use sticker on card. |
4 |
Do scale check once
a week. |
4 |
Print lab addendum
from bar code machine. |
4 |
Eliminate recording
pressures and weights on fill orders. |
4 |
Fix door stop on blending
booth. |
5 |
Counsel worker on use
of face shield. |
5 |
- Worker input obtained from either the personal
interview conducted during the walk through or in response
to the pre-event flyer.
- This blend is always filled using a cylinder that
previously contained the same gas. The cylinder only needs
to be vented, not vacuumed and purgedtherefore, the most
time-consuming operations completed in the cylinder preparation
work process are not necessary.
The priority focus for Days 4 and 5 was Task D4. Act to Improve the
Target Work Process (Exhibit 20). This task makes the changes in
the work process and workplace that eliminate waste and produce business
benefits. This is always the most satisfying part of a Kaizen event
for team members as they see their efforts translated into results.
The task has three main activities: (1) create action plans, (2) execute
improvement ideas, and (3) measure results. |
The night before, my co-leader and I had prepared a "What, Who, When" chart
that detailed our image of which team members would work on the different
improvement actions. Splitting up the team to execute different actions
would allow us to get changes made faster. We set a goal for each improvement
idea as a guide for the team members who would execute it. Before we
began making changes, I shared the chart with the team and got its feedback.
We then made a few adjustments to better match people and assignments.

Create Action Plans
Before making changes, the team reviewed each improvement idea to identify
any that seemed either complicated or potentially risky in that a mistake
in implementation might have a significant consequence with respect to
cost, time, or impact on the work. For these ideas, my co-leader and
I worked with the team members to complete an action plan to guide their
execution of the improvement. An action plan ensures that you have the
resources you need and understand the steps you must take to execute
the process improvement successfully. The only change idea the team felt
needed an action plan was deploying the unused vacuum pump in tandem
with the current vacuum pump to speed the vacuum and purge operations
in the cylinder preparation work process. Exhibit 21 (next page) presents
the action plan for this improvement idea.

Execute Improvement Ideas
The excitement of Kaizen team members peaks when the opportunity arrives
to execute their improvement ideas. It is at this point in the event
when they experience the satisfaction of actually making improvements
in the work process and work setting. Before we begin, we once again
review safety procedures and ensure that everyone is wearing safety gear.
At this event, the execution of most of the improvement ideas went smoothly.
Some items required extra effort. We had trouble locating a supplier
for the hand wheels we wanted to place on the pigtails of the cylinder
prep manifold. These wheels allow hand tightening and speed cylinder
hook-up. When we thought we would have to give up on this change, Nathan
remembered that he had ordered some of the same hand wheels in the past.
He thought they had come in, but did not know what had happened to them.
Some team members searched the maintenance area and finally found the
hand wheels, none of which had been used. |
One of the blending process improvements raised some concerns. The process
observations showed a great deal of unnecessary processing associated
with writing information tags for each cylinder. On the tag, the operator
recorded the type of blend, the weight of the mix, bar code numbers,
order numbers, and other information. Creating these tags was not part
of the work standard, but something that the lab desired and was added
to the process informally. Executing the improvement idea to eliminate
these tags meant convincing the lab technicians that the hand-written
tags were not needed. Clarice reported that the lab technicians had grown
accustomed to the tags and would not agree to their elimination.
To address this concern, Clarice and the team assigned to making this
improvement prepared a presentation for the other lab technicians. The
presentation showed the technicians how much waste was associated with
writing the tags and how the same information that appears on the tag
was already easily available. (The information appears both on the order
that accompanies the cylinders and in a database that the lab uses.)
She included in the presentation a demonstration of how the information
could be printed from the computer onto the lab addendum, a form used
by the lab. The presentation worked, and the team was able to execute
the improvement. Clarice felt that the key to success was showing an
understanding at the start for how the lab technicians used these tags
and why they felt they were necessary. In her words: "We needed to show
that we were including their needs in our solution and not just satisfying
our needs." |
Kaizen Desk Reference Standard |
Excerpt: Kaizen In Action |