Our company and its network of associates have implemented successfully over
350 consulting projects. These projects, each tailored to the specific needs
of our clients, were accomplished in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Europe. We
have worked with Fortune 500 companies like Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.,
IBM, and Pfizer as well as smaller sized businesses, federal and local government
agencies, and community service organizations. Our work has included multiple
assignments in each of the following areas.
- Assessed and developed competitive strategy
- Built, tested, and applied models of the
high-performing organization
- Designed and implemented employee involvement
change initiatives
- Designed and implemented self-managing
team approaches
- Configured value chain sourcing for an
engineering function operating worldwide
- Designed a technical risk management system,
applied worldwide for engineering projects
- Designed the roll-out of various organizational
change initiatives including large scale automation of work processes, customer
focus, employee involvement, lean manufacturing
- Aligned leadership teams at multiple organizational
levels with major organizational culture changes
- Evaluated the effectiveness of a multi-billion dollar business alliance
between two global companies
- Profiled the human capital requirements
for a customer- focused, team-oriented, flat-structured, high-involvement,
high-quality workplace
- Designed and installed 360o evaluation
- Conducted over 100 Kaizen events in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Europe to
improve a broad range of shop and office work processes
- Trained over 45 people to lead Kaizen events in the U.S., Canada, U.K.,
and Europe
- Conducted over 200 Working With Others
problem solving and workplace improvement events
- Trained a network of more than 125 performers
to lead Working With Others problem solving and workplace improvement events
in their workplaces
- Analyzed, documented, and streamlined
work processes in manufacturing and administrative functions using various
technologies including work flow analysis, data flow analysis, systems analysis,
systems reengineering, process mapping, and time and motion measurement
Human Resource Development
- Designed, evaluated, and provided materials and tools to support selection,
training, promotion, and career development systems
- Designed and implemented job analyses—both individual and multipurpose—for
executive, managerial, and technical positions
- Implemented a system that integrated performance appraisal results in promotion
- Developed rating and ranking factors for selecting applicants for professional
and nonprofessional occupations for several government agencies
- Designed, developed, and evaluated instruction at the curriculum, course,
and instructional product levels
- Analyzed requirements and designed solutions for project management; invoice-logging;
billing; leadership assessment; 360o degree
assessment; training management and authorization; selection, appraisal, promotion,
and job evaluation functions; and executive decision making
- Designed and developed a multi-tiered, distributed, client server information
system for training authorization
- Designed and implemented a stand-alone training analysis and reporting system
- Designed and prototyped an automated information processing system for policy
- Benchmarked innovative career development programs, training information
systems, high performing businesses, fourth-generation language systems, among
other functions, programs, and tools
- Surveyed policies and practices for management self-assessment instruments
- Assessed training needs for executive, managerial, and technical positions
- Profiled the duties and requirements of executive, managerial, and technical
positions and the transitions between each level
- Completed organizational effectiveness audits
- Completed over 24 corporate and department level assessments of culture,
climate, employee involvement, and morale in business and industry.
- Designed and conducted return on investment and utility analysis evaluations
of performance improvement initiatives
- Conducted formative and summative evaluations of computer-based instructional
- Evaluated the human resource planning impact of outsourcing software development
roles for a federal government department
- Completed numerous quantitative and qualitative analyses survey results
for public and private organizations
Knowledge Engineering and Expert
- Acquired knowledge for and designed and managed the implementation of a
7000 rule expert systems for advising cartographers in compiling nautical
charts for the National Ocean Service
- Acquired knowledge and designed, represented, and implemented an individual
development planning expert system
- Defined best practice models for new drug development for a global pharmaceutical
- Acquired, represented, and elevated the knowledge guiding performance
in managerial, supervisory, and technical roles
- Acquired, represented, and elevated the knowledge guiding leadership decision-making
with respect to competitive strategy and organizational planning
